Friday, December 26, 2008

Another Secure Our Dream Excerpt

Secure Our Dream/Fighting the American Dream by Joe "the" Plumber

In response to overwhelming demand, we're going to provide another couple of excerpts from SOD/FAD. Sales have been overwhelming so if you didn't get your copy of Fighting The American Dream in time for Christmas, we hope to have all these extra copies printed and mailed out in time for After New Years. In case you haven't ordered and/or paid for your copy of Fighting the American Dream from SOD yet, now's the time to do so. we can't get the next 100 copies printed until we pay for the first 100. Now to the added excerpts to make you want to buy your own, personal copy:

Page 12 - On the Bus - I asked John McCain many pointed questions about the 700 billion dollar bail out. His answers made my flesh crawl and made me feel dirty. When I asked him how the money would be delivered, and if there would be enough secret service agents and armored guards for the trucks, his answer made no sense to me. He was trying to confuse me with political gibberish!

Page 18 - Sara Palin - Sara Palin is the Real Deal! There's no doubt that she would make the perfect president for these troubled times! Anyone who doesn't think so must be some kind of communist or socialist.

...More to come...Your Pal, Joe Plumber!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Good By Sam! Hello Joe!

Our beloved Joe the Plumber is legally changing his name from garbled mouthful Samuel Wurzelbacher to Joe Plumber playing down the "the".

So our own Joe the Plumber is changing his name of just Joe Plumber at the urging of the Plain 2012 group! Joe will be the second spot on the ticket! "Plain/Plumber in 12" is the official slogan of the campaign.

This will get Joe really main streamed and bring the Plain/Plumber 2012 ticket one step closer to reality! Isn't it wonderful? Go Joe!